Previous Estate Sales
This page features information on our previous estate sales including photos of room set-ups, our listing pages, and examples of our complimentary house tours.
Martinet Estate Sale
Sale in Freeport, TX from 1/28 – 1/31/2021
This must-see sale was located at a beautiful, 3500 SF home located on 4 acres along the Brazos River. Items included Pulaski golden oak furniture, vintage and antique furniture, numerous pieces of original artwork and lots of China, porcelain, & pottery. There were also more modern pieces such as lamps, lamp shades, pillows, and area rugs along with a great selection of outdoor furniture. Not to mention closets full of wonderful vintage and modern pieces of women’s fashion.

Pride Estate Sale
Sale in Friendswood, TX on 1/7 – 1/11/2021
This home featured antiques, art, decorations and traditional home furnishings.

Abrahamson Estate Sale
Sale in Seabrook, TX from 2/18 – 2/21/2021
This outstanding sale featured primitive and early American furniture. We had beds that are Amish-made from Lancaster, PA. Great home decor, fine jewelry, collectors items, and so much more.